South Philly Leads NAACP Local Drive
South Philly Leads NAACP Local Drive
South Philadelphia, N.A.A.C.P., Rita D. Burton, Charles W. Dorsey, Walter R. Livingstone, L. E. Allen, North Philadelphia, Isadore Martin, West Philadelphia, H.H. Cain, Germantown, Daisy E. Lampkin, First African Baptist Church, Ida B. Love, Reeve Memorial Presbyterian Church, William S. Hagans, Mt. Ollvet Tabernacle Baptist Church, W. Harry Barnes, George Jeter, Quaker City Elks and Mercy Service Club, Y.W.C..A., John M. Marquess, Quaker City Lodge of Elks, Herbert E. Millen, Catherine Street
An article discussing an aggressive membership drive to raise revenues for Philadelphia's branch of the N.A.A.C.P.
Philadelphia Tribune
Philadelphia Tribune
WCU, HIS 601/HON 452 Great Migration and Digital Storytelling, Fall 2014
May 12, 1932
John E. Smith III, Erica Knorr
Used by permission of the Philadelphia Tribune Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The Philadelphia Tribune, with 130 years of continuous publication, is the oldest newspaper in the United States serving the African-American community.
Aggressive Program to Be Outlined At Meeting Next Week
South Philadelphia workers in the annual membership campaign of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People are leading in the total amount reported up to last Monday evening. Mrs. Rita D. Burton and Dr. Charles W. Dorsey, co-directors of the drive in the southern section of the city, are confident of attaining their quota of the final goal--$2,500.00.
Mrs. Walter R. Livingstone and L. E. Allen of North Philadelphia, Isadore Martin of West Philadelphia, and Mrs. H. H. Cain of Germantown are rallying their workers int he final spurt by which it is hoped to put the campaign over the top today (Thursday), May 12th.
Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin of the Advancement Association's National office staff, has addressed several groups, winning their pledge of support for the work of the N. A. A. C. P. Last Sunday morning she spoke at the First African Baptist Church; in the afternoon the Beauticians, headed by Dr. Ida B. Love, and the Reeve Memorial Presbyterian Church, heard her message on the work of the N. A. A. C. P.
William S. Hagans was the spokesman for the Assocition at the Sunday morning service at Mt. Olivet Tabernacle Bapitst Church. Dr. W. Harry Barnes and George Jeter covered the Citizens' Club Monday evening, and Mrs. Lampkin spoke to the Quaker City Elks and Mercy Service Club Tuesday evening.
Drive workers in North Philadelphia and Germantown, through the cooperation of the pastors, were priviliged to make an appeal at many of the churches in their respective sections.
South Philadelphia workers in the annual membership campaign of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People are leading in the total amount reported up to last Monday evening. Mrs. Rita D. Burton and Dr. Charles W. Dorsey, co-directors of the drive in the southern section of the city, are confident of attaining their quota of the final goal--$2,500.00.
Mrs. Walter R. Livingstone and L. E. Allen of North Philadelphia, Isadore Martin of West Philadelphia, and Mrs. H. H. Cain of Germantown are rallying their workers int he final spurt by which it is hoped to put the campaign over the top today (Thursday), May 12th.
Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin of the Advancement Association's National office staff, has addressed several groups, winning their pledge of support for the work of the N. A. A. C. P. Last Sunday morning she spoke at the First African Baptist Church; in the afternoon the Beauticians, headed by Dr. Ida B. Love, and the Reeve Memorial Presbyterian Church, heard her message on the work of the N. A. A. C. P.
William S. Hagans was the spokesman for the Assocition at the Sunday morning service at Mt. Olivet Tabernacle Bapitst Church. Dr. W. Harry Barnes and George Jeter covered the Citizens' Club Monday evening, and Mrs. Lampkin spoke to the Quaker City Elks and Mercy Service Club Tuesday evening.
Drive workers in North Philadelphia and Germantown, through the cooperation of the pastors, were priviliged to make an appeal at many of the churches in their respective sections.
Original Format
Philadelphia Tribune, “South Philly Leads NAACP Local Drive,” Goin' North, accessed September 15, 2024,