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St. Peter Clavers church.jpg
Photo from Golden Jubilee of St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia, PA.

This is a photo of a large outdoor religious meeting of African Americans one night in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This is a photo of a large gathering of children at a Philadelphia church meeting.

Negro Church Manning SC.jpg
This photograph depicts an African American church situated in corn fields in Manning, South Carolina.

Philadelphia Race Riot.pdf
This letter to the editor by T.D. Adkins, pastor of the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, praised the Tribune's coverage of the Philadelphia Race Riot of 1918. He preached for a more peaceful Philadelphia and society in general between the races.

Richard R. Wright speaks to a crowd of parishioners and graduating students at the Mother Bethel church in Philadelphia.

Hayre, RW Collection_RR Wright, Jr_001.jpg
A photograph of Bishop R.R. Wright, Jr. an African American reverend, as well as a banking entrepreneur, an educator, a college president, a politician, and a civil rights advocate.

TIndley Outlook article Oct. 1919.png
Magazine article written by Charles A. Tindley for Outlook. Tindley was a clergyman of the American Methodist Episcopal Church and had a congregation of over 10,000 members. The article discusses Tindley's ministry which catered to migrants from the…
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