Browse Items (7 total)

This image captures the early playground equipment in Seger Park following the block's demolition and the erection of the recreation center.

South Street Looking East from Broad Street adjusted.jpg
This is a photograph of Broad Street and South Street looking east from Broad Street.

1245 S. St. 2.1.jpg
This is a photo of 1245 South Street, around 1244 South Street, a site recorded in Moore's 1921 Vice Investigations.

January 8, 1921 MissDella.jpg
In 1921, Mayor J. Hampton Moore hired private vice investigators to observe and report on criminal activity in the Seventh ward.

506 S. 11th St.jpg
On this was once of a boarding house run by a Miss Della, a location recorded in Mayor Moore's 1921 vice reports.

J. Hampton Moore was mayor of Philadelphia from 1920-1923. During his tenure as mayor, Moore worked to clean up the streets of Philadelphia.

Program President of Liberia 1 1921 CH.jpg
C. D. B. King, President of the Republic of Liberia, visited Philadelphia in May, 1921. King was honored at a luncheon hosted at the Hotel Dale, one of very few African American owned and operated hotels in Philadelphia. King chose to stay at theā€¦
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