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Tindley Temple United Methodist Church honors Ralph Jones for his dedication to service and the community, serving as Superintended to the Sunday School for thirty two years.

Philadelphia Race Riot.pdf
This letter to the editor by T.D. Adkins, pastor of the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, praised the Tribune's coverage of the Philadelphia Race Riot of 1918. He preached for a more peaceful Philadelphia and society in general between the races.

An advertisement for the first Afro-American Business Day in Philadelphia on July 26, 1917. The Armstrong Association, a organization which provided services and information to the black migrants of Philadelphia endorsed the Business Day.

Hayre, RW Collection_MS011RH051_recto_001.jpg
An advertisement for the first "Afro-American Business Day" in Philadelphia on July 26, 1917, which encouraged citizens to support local black small businesses in order for these enterprises to flourish.
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